The ongoing Corona-Coaster

This week, I’m sending a special shout out to all of us struggling with lockdown, as many of us live on the eastern side of Australia.

The ongoing corona-coaster seems never ending.

I’m feeling for us all.

It’s hard to plan ahead, to plan holidays and special events.

We’ve lost the hope and possibility that investing in our future usually holds, as it is full of uncertainty.

In the midst of this, I’ve been hearing a lot about powerlessness from many colleagues, friends and family.

Everything feels so uncertain and unpredictable. We’re being reactive and it’s so hard to be proactive.

We just constantly coping with each difficult day and week, and then the next wave is coming for us.

How are you navigating this?

The self-leadership skill I am relying on a great deal is to keep focusing on what I can control, rather than on what I can’t.

Some examples:

  • I can’t control what others or the government are doing, but I can influence me.

  • I can’t control what’s on the news or social media, but I can choose to focus on things that nourish me, my body, mind, heart and soul.

I also brainstormed a list of all of my best resources. They include:

  • Being in nature – walk in my local park

  • Music – listen to my most uplifting music

  • Inspiring quotes – find a list of meaningful quotes of a favourite writer or topic and read one each day

  • Close relationships – reach out to my family and friends – make an effort each day

  • Appreciation – make a note of what I’m grateful for each day

  • Eat well and hydrate

  • Meditate – even 10 really deep breaths when I get to bed and first thing when I wake up

  • Mindfulness practices – such as - what am I seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting

What would be on your list?

And at the same time, I thought there were things to detach from:

  • Less news – especially first thing in the morning

  • Less social media – especially first thing in the morning

  • Less judging others

  • Less ruminating on what I can’t control

All of these seem to be leading me to more peace.

How about you? Where can you focus on what you can control rather than what you can’t?

I know this is an exceptionally hard time when you’re home-schooling and have other major stressors thrown in the mix.

So please reach out for the support that you need – whether it is from family, friends, professionals or online.

We all need some extra support during these times.

Reach out to me if you would like a chat too - you can schedule time in my diary here.


How to build well-being in your team


Self-leadership & Values