7 tips for thriving at work

Mental health has been at the forefront of our minds this week.

As my 7 Oct 2022 blog indicated, considering our own mental health and how to support ourselves is a big part of our journey.

The workplace can often feel like a hectic and exhausting place to be, and with the line between work and home being constantly blurred, considering steps to remain resilient through your working day is critical.

There are some key tips that I carry around (in my brain) with me through each and every working day. I use these to try and ensure I don't end each day in a state of exhaustion, overwhelm and resentment.

1. Prioritise self-care to perform at your peak – remember we are human beings, not human doings.
We all need time to restore and just ‘be’.

2. Overcome the human negativity bias and re-wire your brain, through focusing on strengths and appreciation.
Cultivate optimism.

3. Maintain clear boundaries – be fully responsible for yourself and not over-function for others.
Be clean with your energy, means not imposing your moods and emotions onto others.

4. Focus your energy on the here and now.
Cultivate mindfulness.

5. Be assertive: honour and express your feelings, whilst being respectful of others.
Respect and kindness are the hallmarks of humanity.

6. Be compassionate to self and others.
Speak kindly to yourself.

7. Resilience and wellbeing need to be cultivated, they don’t just happen.
Self-care is a gift you give to yourself, but others get the benefits too!

Not only do I have these tips in my head, I’ve created an A6 tip card that includes these and reminds me of these each day.

If you would like an electronic version of this, you can download it here. If you would like some hard copies, you can request some from Rita here (please include how many of these cards you want and your postal address.

I have also included a few links to articles that I have found interesting over the past week or so.

Both reference healthcare works but the sentiment is transferable across many workplace environments.

Please look after yourself.

It is critical for us to not allow our professional lives to drain all our energy, so we have nothing left for our personal lives.

Further insight

If you are interested in learning more about this topic I recommend reading these articles by clicking the buttons below:


Maintaining a High-Performing Team


How to positively impact mental health and wellbeing